Lakshmi Whipped Face & Body Butter

Lakshmi Whipped Face & Body Butter


Lakshmi Whipped Face & Body Butter is hand crafted for the most sensitive skin types with all organic, plant based ingredients including, Shea butter, Mango Butter, Kakadu Plum, Hemp Oil and Flower Essences, Crystal and Gem essences for calming tension, moon cycles and connection to Goddess Energy.

Kakadu Plums benefits include high levels of Vitamin C to improve skin quality, is Antioxidant rich to fight free radicals, naturally antibacterial to balance acne prone skin and contains gallic acid (a natural anti-inflammatory), which helps to reduce redness, inflammation and irritation. 

Lakshmi Face and Body Butter melts at body temperature, allowing for rapid absorption, hydration and nourishment for your skin.

We recommend using Lakshmi Whipped Face & Body Butter after a shower to lock in moisture. Apply  and massage a thin layer to the skin (a little goes a long way). Apply as frequently as desired. Pro Tip: Due to the all natural nature of our products, they may melt when stored or left in areas above room temperature. If melting occurs, please place the product in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, this will assist resolidify the Body Butter and may change the look or texture of the product but will not change the effectiveness of the product.

Certified Organic Plant based ingredients of: Shea Butter Hemp Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Kakadu Plum Extract, Murumuru Butter, Mango Butter, Vitamin E, 100% Therapeutic grade oils of Lavender, Lemon & Melaleuca.

Due to issues surrounding weight for postage and breakage for now our body butters are only available in 100g PET Amber jars.

Goddess Energy 

Goddess energy encompasses so many elements, but in its simplest form, it's a level of awareness linked to the divine feminine spirit. It's devoid of ego, judgment or harm, and deeply tied to nature, mysticism, wisdom, intuition, purity and matters of the heart.